
Fran's Family

I felt so privileged to be Fran's Son.  He loved his Family. For 21 years he was married to his only Wife, Ghislaine. He adored his Grandson Adrian, and took his Daughter-in-Law Michelle as his very own.  

 Please feel free to add your comments and remembrances of Fran at the bottom of this page in the comments section!

Fran with His Wife Ghislaine on their Wedding Day February 23,1963

Fran and Ghislaine 1976 -  My Favorite picture of my Parents.

The Early Years
My Parents and I on My Wedding Day
My Dad, Fran was my Best Man.  He was my Father, but especially as an adult he was my Great Friend.

Fran Loved his Family  and was crazy about his Daughter-in-Law, Michelle
Fran adored his Grandson Adrian, who certainly took on his Grandfather's love of the dramatic!

Fran with his Favorite Uncle, Dom, circa 1968. Get a load of the Blond Hair!!!

Fran with his Beloved and  Beautiful  Late Sister Barbara, and  his adorable niece Kaylan. I am certain that Fran and Barbara are having a Blast and Dancing Upstairs!!

1 comment:

  1. I have memories of my wonderful Uncle Fran all the way back to my very young childhood. Though there were many miles between Chicago and Miami, the Marinelli love was strong. He would send pictures from his races and would always call at Christmas. I remember visiting Florida and visiting his apartment - taking a walk on the beach - he and my mother walking arm in arm while I ran in the sand and hunted down seashells, and every one I brought back was the "coolest" he had ever seen. :-) The dynamic duo of Butch and my Mom laughing, laughing, laughing - so happy to be together. "My brother, my blood - family is everything" my mom used to say. She loved him so. He introduced me to the music of Edith Piaf and since then and for the rest of my life, every time I hear her sing, I will think of Fran with a smile. The last time I saw him - 2009 - a trip to Florida to see my sister compete in a pageant....oh the laughs as we caught up. It had been years since we had seen each other, but the love reconnected us immediately. He shared stories of you, Mykael, and Adrian - yes, he was so proud of that boy. He talked about my Grandmother with such tenderness, and shared stories with me of the Marinelli's - both of us had a favorite in Uncle Dom. I wish I had the opportunity to visit more, know him better. What his father never understood, his sister (my mother) did - he was always a full brother to her and he was always my Uncle who I loved - no matter how much distance, or how many years were between us. I will never forget my Uncle, and I can only imagine what those Marinelli's are doing up in Heaven right now. I love you, Uncle Butch.... until we meet again, stay cool. xoxo Kaylan
